Subsurface maintenance and completion of Work Skills program
Luis Berrious taught the OEEC summer WorkReady students about how to maintain subsurface infrastructures. The Summer WorkReady Students...

AKRF teaches OEEC students about Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
Shandor Szalay and Lia Mastroplo from AKRF Engineers teach the students from the 15 week vocational training program about Green...

US Forest Service teaches about tree maintenance
Sarah Low, Michelle Kondo, Katherine Johnson, William McWilliams, and Sheree Johnson from the US Forest Service taught the 15 week...

Celebrating the success of the WorkReady program at OEEC
On August 5th a group of supporters and partners came together to appreciate the success of the WorkReady program. In attendance was the...

Aquaponics Planning
These pictures show the process that the students have gone through in creating the aquaponics system; from planning and designing to...